About Miss Jamie

Jamie has been a professional singer, actor, and writer from a very young age. When her family moved from the big city of Los Angeles to a 600 acre goat and cattle ranch in small town Texas, her life and her art was forever shaped by her love of animals, nature, and the outdoors. When she had her first child in 2012, she became a children’s music performer, and decided to theme her act around “the farm,” with books and albums based on the characters in the show. In addition to performing for kids and families year round in person and online, Jamie is a public speaker on the importance of music and literacy in early childhood education and how to make learning fun, as well as a commercial voice actor for national brands on TV and radio. Her interests include native gardening, solar power & electric vehicles, and sustainability. She now resides in Batavia, Illinois in a little red farmhouse with her fellow musician/business partner husband and their three children, five chickens, and a dog named Bingo.